I'm feeling behind in life. There is so much to do, and I'm not even working a consistent job (that's another story). I'm not very good at prioritizing my "mom" and "wife" jobs.
So, what brings me to this blog tonight, is: DINNER.
What's for dinner?????? ugh. The dreaded words. I DON'T KNOW! I should.
I've had this road block now since Eli was born (or so it seems, i've had some great periods of organization, but this is not the norm).
I've pulled my thoughts together many times, but then my calendar of meals really doesn't work. So I guess i need to schedule in FLEXIBILITY. Things that contribute to the ROADBLOCK: time, money, diet, and kid's dislikes.
I've been trying to "get it together" now for weeks. I thought once school started I would get this together, but alas, I have not taken the time to sit down and plan.
We're having spaghetti tonight. I have one REALLY happy kid, but one equally UNHAPPY kid ("I'm TIRED of spaghetti, I don't even like it any more!").
So there you go.
I need to re-read Audrey Thomas' book "What's for dinner" She's got great ideas. I just need to tailor it to our family.
Any ideas?