Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just throw it away, already.....update

Well, THIS is why i didnt throw it away....see!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Just throw it away, already!

I'm cleaning my unfinished basement. Why is it that I have a difficult time throwing the most insignificant thing away? I found a small refillable binder (2x3?) the paper in it is yellow. I took it from my mom's when she was cleaning -- maybe i can use it for something. You know what? since i took it, i havent used it! it went in the garbage, it came out. Its sitting by the garbage....oh, what to do, what to do.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not my plan...

Well, Lucas got me sick, although a variation, but I'm sick. I woke up feeling horrible, i had a load of things on my list, but had to whittle it down. I felt so horrible last night, and Scott was out for the evening with friends.

Things that stayed on the list:
--"weigh-in" at the club (lost 2.5 pounds this week!)
--crawling into bed at 2pm, getting up at 4:30
--pkg to UPS for my in-laws
--crawling in bed at 8pm

Things that came off the list:
--Volunteering at the school library
--Hair cut
--Feeling good, and enjoying the evening with the boys.

Scott ended up coming home for a while - he was with friends watching the first Daniel Craig James Bond movie, then they went to the later showing of the new "Quantum of Solace", he came home to help get the little guys in bed, but then joined the guys at the theater. Boy I was crabby and lethargic.

Today, Scott had planned to take all the boys to stay at his parents house (they're still out of town), so I can have some time at home to focus on organizing. they're still going to go, but I'm afraid I'm not going to have quite the energy and accomplish as much as i wanted to. Oh well.

I'm feeling a little better, just achy. Time to get organizing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not a great blogger

I'm not a great blogger - i have a number of half written posts that sit in my "drafts". I have a grand idea on what i want to say, of what i'm feeling, but i just dont seem to find the time to type it all out. Actually, i might just post what i started - we'll see.
Tonight I sit at home with Lucas. He's thrown up 4 times since midnight. He doesn't have very good aim, either. So, i have laundry. Thank you scott for cleaning up the floor last night. you're a good man.

Lucas is laying beside me on the couch looking at his star war legos. you can tell he's not feeling well...he's just laying here. sweet, yet sad.

I'll stop this thought now and post...then i won't add to my drafts list. :)