Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Recently, I had the privilege to serve at a MN Tres Dias weekend for women. All I can say is that GOD is good, and powerful. Wow!

It is something that i had not planned on doing, serving. It was something i didn't want to do. The planning for the weekend had been going on for months, and i "knew" i wasnt supposed to serve. Well, you know what? God called me to serve. So, the night before the 3-day event, God called me, and i left less than 24 hours later.

And you know what? God knocked my socks off! I don't think i've ever been in a place that God has used me as much, or that I've let him use me as much as that weekend.

I would recommend that if you are looking for a time of spiritual revival, attending a Tres Dias event would be a great place to start.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How do you spell S-V-E-N?

While i was out with a couple girlfriends yesterday, we came upon local celebrity Sven Sundgaard from KARE 11. I'd have to admit that it was kind of exciting to be in the same place as SVEN. Unfortunately, my friends, Lisa and Jamie, were UBER excited, so it wasn't just "Hey, there's the guy from KARE 11". It was, "Oh, my gosh! It's Sven!!!, Jamie, move over so i can get a picture. He wont know were taking a picture of HIM on our phones." "Oh! go get some pop, Sven is at the pop-machine." At this point, I'm dying, can I crawl under the table? The place was pretty busy, but SVEN and his friend found a recently vacated table right next to us. Lisa, however, did not realize that this was the case, because she leans over to me, "is it spelled... 'S', 'W'?" At this point I'm like, "SHUT-UP. He's right here."

Anyway, once they finally sat down and started eating, we got involved in our own delightful conversation about Wedding Reception details. How FUN. if you want to check out some pics from the day, check out Jamie's blog at : http://jwillowb.blogspot.com/

Friday, April 11, 2008

Good Friends

God has blessed me with some good frienships. Not that we are measured by them, but sometimes it feels good to gab on the phone for 59 minutes and not worry about anything else for a while!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Green Apples

Lately, for some reason, Lucas has had a thing for Green Apples. Well, we haven't had any apples since we got home from our vacation, so yesterday, we bought some.

Today, all the boys are outside playing with the neighborhood friends. Lucas decided he wanted an apple, which meant EVERYONE needed apples. So to save on apples, i cut them up and everyone got a bowl with 4-5 pieces in them.

The problem with boys and apples in bowls is that, the apples have a tendency to jump out of the bowl. I had to rinse Eli's apples off, and then, later, Lucas came in with muddy apples.

I did my motherly duty, rinsing them and shaking them dry, placed them back into the bowl. As Lucas was walking away, quietly he said, "Thank you mom, you're a real hero."

Who knew what a simple act of apple washing would be deemed as heroism? Sometimes being a mom is awesome.

Friday, April 4, 2008

There's no way i'm ready for this...

I knew it would happen....eventually. Maybe in the year 2014 or something. But not now. Aaron is interested in a girl. Yikes! I'm not sure he would officially say she's his girlfriend, but the number of texts on the cell phone says differently.

Again, I'm too young for this. He's too young for this. What? I had a boyfriend at his age? Oh. I guess I was into boys then. Oh. I guess that means that this is normal. Oh, dear.

I'm definitely not ready for this.